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Get Involved

Photo of a person making a donation on a mobile phone

Make a monetary donation

Our work at VOA Utah never takes a day off. We are growing our services to meet the needs of Utahns struggling with addiction, mental health, and homelessness. Your financial contribution of any size can go directly to the program of your choice or to our general fund.

Photo of donated essential needs

Donate Essential Items

We are in constant need of essential items throughout the year. Click the link below to learn more about donating clothing, hygiene items, water and more as an individual or group to give unsheltered Utahns the lifesaving support they need.

Photo of a group of volunteers

Volunteer Opportunities

We serve over 450,00 meals annually with the help of over 3,000 volunteers. Step up individually or with a group and help support our mission. Create an account, sign two waivers, and then you'll be ready to help at one of our four kitchens or in various ways.


Our Services

Photo of a homeless youth


We provide year-round support for individuals living on the street through emergency shelters, meals, basic need items, education assistance, employment services, legal help, housing assistance and physical and mental health services.

Photo of a veteran


We offer acceptance, safety, and care to support individuals on their road to sobriety through our Men's Detox Center and our Center for Women and Children.

Photo of a young adult girl

Mental Health

We strive to reduce the impact of mental illness and to facilitate lifelong improvements in the well being of individuals and families at Cornerstone Counseling and the Family Counseling Center.


Our Impact in 2023

Cared For
People Moved
Into Housing

We're looking for mentors

Reliable, caring relationships with adults provide youth with the additional support they need to develop into successful members of our community. When youth know someone cares about them and recognizes their contributions, they are more likely to develop their skills, make healthy choices, and achieve self-sufficiency.

Learn More

Volunteers of America, Utah provides community-supported paths for those who are vulnerable to improve their lives and increase their self-reliance.

Group photo of VOA Utah Staff celebrating

VOA Utah Board of Directors

Behind every decision and initiative, you'll find a dedicated team of diverse professionals united by a common goal: to make a meaningful difference in the lives of those we serve. Get to know the people driving our mission forward, from seasoned professionals to passionate advocates, our board members embody the spirit of compassion and leadership, shaping the future of VOA Utah, with empathy, vision, and a commitment to service.

Learn More
Photo of the VOA Utah Board Members

Volunteers of America, Utah provides community-supported paths for those who are vulnerable to improve their lives and increase their self-reliance.

Group photo of VOA Utah Staff celebrating